Dear Valued Customer,

Did you know that approximately 58 million Americans are unable to afford their prescribed medications? To give perspective, one single insulin vial costs around $291. This is one example of a life saving drug that has increased in price over time.

At Valued Prescription, we issue discounts on prescription drugs to our customers at a competitive rate to counterbalance the increasing prices. Our mission is to give our clients accessibility to their medicine by alleviating the financial burdens and maintain a high-standard of quality control.

We manage this success by negotiating on the behalf of our clients with pharmaceutical companies. Valued Prescription prides itself on taking the initiative of changing the current pharmaceutical industry’s profit model and restructuring the model to resemble a patient centered model.

If you have any questions, please call us at 1-800-555-VALU or vise us at

Best Regards,

Value Prescription Representative